Amme wanted to wear her Dad's hat so I decided to take some pictures of her and Asher just for the heck of it. Asher was not quite sure what to think of the hat on her or for that matter what Amme was doing in Daddy's hat!
For Family night we made and decorated sugar cookies. Hank, Aubs and Max came over and so did Brandt and Kaylee. We took some over to Bryce and Kelly because Bryce was sick in bed...:( We had a lot of fun. Amme loves to do this kind of stuff. Asher and Max were snoozing like good little Babies. Oh and Aubs and I happened to be wearing the same thing!! Cute Huh!!
Here is Amme and Asher in their Valentine's outfits from Grandma and Grandpa Heinz!! Amme was so excited to wear her new outfit. First thing she said when she woke up was "Mom, do i get to get in the bath so I can wear my new outfit" It was so cute becuase most of the time she wants to put off getting in the bathtub. We also made valentines cookies for family night. So here are their cookies...
Asher cut her first tooth on Wednesday night. Sad to say she was getting babysat by Bryce and Kelly,and cried the entire time. I felt so bad for all of them. When I got there to pick her up Bryce was walking around holding her to keep her happy. Duke was even playing and he managed to watch his team and keep her happy. Thanks Bryce!!!
Shawn wanted to go on a surf trip and he knew that the only way he cold go would be to take us to disneyland too! It was Asher's first time going and she loved it. She was so good and loved sitting in the baby Bjorn on shawn. Amme loves Disneyland like her mom. We had so much fun. We stayed at our good friends house the Blacks who stayed with us when they all went snowboarding. We like to think that we have a vacation house in california and they have one in Utah!! Amme dressed up as Allison Wonderland and I really think that she thought that she was Allison. Everyone that saw her was dying because she kept that hilarious wig on. She loves that dress up. Shawn surfed and did the flow rider it's a fake wave that is actually harder than surfing shawn said. But, He and David did such a good job!! I will post pic of that when I get them downloaded. Oh and can I say that I am obsessed with trader Joes and I think Utah needs one really bad and a farmers market too!!