So this morning we did the usual routine Amme woke up had breakfast then got in the bath, got dressed and I was doing her hair. I was brushing her long mane which has snarles up the wazoo cuz it's so dang long. Well, usually when I brush it and it has snarles I tell her to say... "Be nice you silly brush." just so that she doesn't freak out and cry. Well, this morning the brush was hurting her because she had the usual snarles and I said..."Tell the silly brush to be nice Amme." She quickly responded.."No Mom I'm not playing that game anymore it hurts me." I was dying! I really thought that she thought that the brush was hurting her. I had no clue that she knew that it was a little game. That's what you get when your three year old is smarter than you;) So, needless to say she was good while I did her hair and then we made it to the park to play and have a picnic with Cannon and Brooklyn her two little buddies. Amme loves the park and being able to run free. Asher and Kennedy just rolled around,said Da,da and played on the blanket. Just what they do best. I can't wait for summer so that we can go to the pool everyday!