Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Asher Baby

Here are some pictures of Asher and Amme! Asher is getting so big. She had her two month check-up two weeks ago and she weighed 12Lhs. even. she is getting so big. I did not immunize her at her 2 month check-up because i am doing some research on immunizations and praying about what i should do. It is a hard decision. i want the best for my kids and so i feel like i need to be informed about the decisons that i make. Asher is such a good baby. She is sleeping 9-10 hours a night. which is so wonderful for me. She is such a mellow and happy baby. we love her so much. Amme is such a good big sister to asher. She helps me by getting the diapers,burp cloths,throwing diapers away and playing with Asher. Amme is such a big girl. she is potty trained and has been for almost a year now. She has been such an easy little girl. Amme has been our little guardian angel. We love Amme and Asher to death.

1 comment:

Tristan said...

I waited until Maddie was a year old before I immunized her. With Katelyn I waited until she was 4 months old. I just don't think its neccessary to pump a newborn full of stuff when they are just still so brand new. So I understand your concerns and just go with your instincts and what the Lord prompts you to do. It will be the best decision for you and your children no matter what else says.