Sunday, September 16, 2007

I'm Official

So my friend Lauren has been bugging me to get a blog. so, i decided to make one and use it as a journal. i got that idea to use it as a journal from my friend tristen. so here i go.....being a blogger. My husband is Shawn and thinks i am nuts for doing this. I have two cute little girls Amme is 3 and Asher is two and a half months. Amme just started preschool two weeks ago and loves it. she is such a smart little girl. she is always cracking us up with silly little things she does and says...for instance tonight she was going to the bathroom in my bathroom and she said Mommy...your SUPER DUPER! Don't know where she got that one from. we love her little buns to pieces. And as for little Asher she is the sweetest thing ever! she is such a good baby and already sleeps through the night. She holds her head up and babbles and smiles all day long. i don't know what we would do with out her. She loves when her daddy changes her diaper she just looks at him and smiles. It's fun being a mom to good little girlies. Especially when you have a husband that helps out....when hes not sick. Shawn has been sick this past week with the FLU! so sad! today we had stake conference. it was so good. Then, we went to my parents house tonight for dinner and hung out with family. well, that's all for tonight. i'll do another entry tomorrow.


Tristan said...

So glad you decided to blog! Its so much fun! Can't wait to see pictures!

lauren said...

thats right.. peer pressure works. now get the pics up NOW!!!!