Saturday, September 22, 2007


These are some pictures of Asher that were taken when she was six weeks old. She was starting to not sleep all the time so, she was awake during most of the session. We got them taken by a girl named Aubrey in Salt Lake. This lady uses natural lighting to take her pictures. So, we went up there and it was stormy so we took a few pictures and then decied that the light was not working so we would have to re-schedule. But, during the session we had ashers diaper off in a few of the pictures and she managed to pee on Daddy. It was funny and Daddy was a good sport. So, we re-scheduled and Aubrey came to our house which was nice so i did not have to get her ready again and drive up there. we were in our own element which was good for Asher. I think these pictures are so adorable but, what mom does not think her kids are so cute? Asher was really good and just loved the photo shoot!

1 comment:

Sarah Mickalson said...

My favorite is the second one- the one with Amme holding Asher. That is definitely the most precious thing I have seen!